It’s the markup that matters

A presentation at Next.js Conf in October 2020 in by Hidde de Vries

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markup It’s the that matters Hidde de Vries, October 27 2020, NextJS Conference

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markup It’s the that matters if we want our apps to work for everybody

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Accessible for People with permanent disabilities @hdv People with temporary disabilities People in certain situations

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Responsibility of Content designers Web developers UI designers CMS integrators User researchers @hdv

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Responsibility of Content designers Web developers UI designers CMS integrators @hdv User researchers

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Code Assistive Technologies (AT) text-to-speech screen magnifiers alternate pointing devices @hdv

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Role What kind of thing is it? Name/Description How should we refer to it? State/properties What else should we know?

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@hdv Example of an Accessibility Tree・

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Accessible code points machines at what stuff is @hdv

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Accessible code points machines at what stuff is called @hdv

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Accessible code points machines in what state stuff is @hdv

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Accessibility tree Platform APIs AT Your markup DOM tree Microsoft Active Accessibility Microsoft User Interface Automation MSAA Mac OS X Accessibility Protocol text-to-speech Linux/Unix Accessibility Toolkit IAccessible2 screen magnifiers alternate pointing devices

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It’s the markup that matters

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What’s this page?

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<html lang=”nl”> <head> <title>It’s the markup that matters Presentations - My site</title> </head> <body> … </body> </html>

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“ [The <title>] is still the first guarantee or first confirmation that you’ve ended up on the page that you intended to reach. — Léonie Watson, accessibility expert and screenreader user Smashing TV with Léonie Watson・

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What’s on this page? Headings

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“Navigate by heading” is a very common way for AT users to figure out what’s on a page Heading structures are tables of contents ・

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What’s on this page? Landmarks

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Landmarks let you specify which sections a page has, so that people can navigate to them

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HTML5 ARIA roles

<header> <footer> <nav> <aside> <main> role=”banner” role=”contentinfo” role=”navigation” role=”complementary” role=”main”

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“ Built-in beats bolt-on. — Bruce Lawson Bruce Lawson: AOM-NOM-NOM・

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HTML5 <header> <footer> <nav> <aside> <main>

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Form controls

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“ “59% of form inputs were not properly labeled.”. — WebAIM The WebAIM Million ・

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Label input fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, selects, textareas, etc… so that they have a name

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First Name

<div class=”form-item”> First Name <input type=”text” /> </div> Role: ‘textbox’ / ‘entry’ Name: null / ”

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Accessible Name and Description Computation 1.1 ・

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First Name

<div class=”form-item”> <label for=”fn”>First Name</label> <input id=”fn” type=”text” /> </div> Role: ‘textbox’ / ‘entry’ Name: ‘First Name’

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Table semantics

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Tables make tabular data easier to navigate

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<table> <caption>Net results 2018</caption> <thead> <tr> <th scope=”col”>Assets</th> Use table semantics <th scope=”col”>Capital</th> … </tr> </thead> <tbody> … </tbody> </table>

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<table> <caption>Net results 2018</caption> <thead> <tr> <th scope=”col”>Assets</th> Use table semantics <th scope=”col”>Capital</th> … </tr> </thead> <tbody> … </tbody> </table>

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The lang attribute lets you specify which language content is in

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Specify languages with lang <div> <p lang=”de”>Wilkommen</p> <p lang=”fr”>Bienvenue</p> <p lang=”en”>Welcome</p> </div>

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If buttons are just icons

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The “Add Reaction” button

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<div class=”icon” onclick=”emoji()”> <svg class=”icon”> <use xlink:href=”#emoji”></use> </svg> </div> Role: ” Name: ”

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// use the button element <button type=”button”> <svg class=”icon”> <use xlink:href=”#emoji”></use> </svg> </button> Role: ‘button’ Name: ”

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<button type=”button”> <svg class=”icon”> <use xlink:href=”#emoji”></use> </svg> // add accessible name <span class=”visually-hidden”> Add reaction </span> </button> Role: ‘button’ Name: ‘Add reaction’

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<button type=”button”> // hide icon from a11y tree <svg class=”icon” role=”presentation” “Accessibility node not exposed” aria-hidden=”true” focusable=”false”> <use xlink:href=”#emoji”></use> </svg> <span class=”visually-hidden”>

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“ It would appear that either aria-hidden=”true” or role=”presentation” should be able to help out here. — John Foliot HTML5 Accessibility: aria-hidden and role=”presentation” ・

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<button type=”button”> <svg class=”icon” role=”presentation” aria-hidden=”true” focusable=”false”> Avoids weird focus bugs in IE11 <use xlink:href=”#emoji”></use> </svg> <span class=”visually-hidden”> Add reaction

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No meaningful mark-up for your component? ARIA can polyfill!

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ARIA can provide names, roles, property and states through attributes. Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1 ・

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There usually is existing HTML for your problem, combining existing elements FTW! Web Components as compositions of native elements ・

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Not all ARIA has good support or provides good usability for AT users.

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Tooltip <button Enter your IBAN number ? type=”button” aria-controls=”tooltip” An IBAN-number is a 34 characters string, please double check with your bank if you’re not sure what yours is.

What’s IBAN? </button>

<div id=”tooltip”> An IBAN-number is a 34 ch… </div>

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Tooltip <button Enter your IBAN number ? type=”button” aria-controls=”tooltip” An IBAN-number is a 34 characters string, please double check with your bank if you’re not sure what yours is. aria-expanded=”true” > What’s IBAN? </button>

<div id=”tooltip”> An IBAN-number is a 34 ch…

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Tooltip <button Enter your IBAN number ? type=”button” aria-controls=”tooltip” aria-expanded=”false” > What’s IBAN? </button>

<div id=”tooltip” hidden> An IBAN-number is a 34 ch…

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Your changes were saved successfully!

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<div role=”alert”> </div> // We’ve just used fetch() to POST form // data on the submit event of a form. // Let’s say we’re handling like: const el = document.querySelector(“div”); el.textContent(“Your changes were saved successfully”); Your changes were saved successfully!

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Meaning without mark-up: the Accessibility Object Model

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“ “a JavaScript API to allow developers to modify (and eventually explore) the accessibility tree for an HTML page” — The AOM explainer document The Accessibility Object Model (AOM) ・

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“ “[AOM] fills the gaps in ARIA (…) is an API to provide your own accessibility (…) lets authors test them from JavaScript” — Domenic Mizzoni, Google What’s new in web accessibility (Google I/O ‘18) ・

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const el = document.querySelector(“el”); el.role = “button”; el.ariaDisabled = false; Setting semantics without mark-up

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<my-custom-element role=”button” aria-disabled=”false” … /> Avoids “sprouting”

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Relationships without IDREFs

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aria-activedescendant aria-colcount aria-colindex aria-colspan aria-controls aria-describedby aria-details aria-errormessage aria-flowto aria-labelledby aria-owns aria-posinset aria-rowcount aria-rowindex aria-rowspan aria-setsize

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Events from Assistive Technologies

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// Implementing a canvas-based // spreadsheet’s semantics canvas.attachAccessibleRoot(); let table = canvas.accessibleRoot .appendChild(new AccessibleNode()); table.role = “table”; table.colCount = 10; table.rowcount = 100; Non-DOM nodes in the Accessibility Tree let headerRow = table.appendChild( appendChild(new AccessibleNode()) ); headerRow.role = “row”; headerRow.rowindex = 0; Example from: AOM explainer ・

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Reading accessibility tree through JavaScript

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Quality future components need to be accessible Good mark-up makes a difference, gives us lots of accessibility for free Whatever the mark-up, convey what it is, and what state it is in

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Thanks! Questions? TWITTER: @hdv EMAIL: SLIDES: