Hidde de Vries, a11yTO, 3 October, Toronto
“Built-in” accessibility: blessing or curse?
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25 years ago…
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“in the grand scheme of things it’s always the same principles and guidelines” — Eric Eggert (in post about WCAG)
See: Do we need WCAG 3 now? yatil.net/blog/do-we-need-wcag-3-now
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Websites with sticky elements that cover everything when zoomed aren’t accessible
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Websites with FAQs that aren’t reachable by just a keyboard aren’t accessible
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Websites with important election results in an image with no alternatives aren’t accessible
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We need better websites…
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(lack of)
Accessibility is a website problem, not a user problem
In defense of websites… Hard to ind good code examples
Conformance vs guidance
AT/browser support vs actual usability
WCAG often can’t tell you what to do (for reasons, but still) f
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Many of us
“Are there opportunities to change the system to improve accessibility across the board?”
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“Can we integrate accessibility into our practices?”
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“Can we display websites better?”
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“Can we help content editors edit more accessible content?”
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Standards bodies
“Can we make standards that take accessibility into account”?
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Built-in accessibility: blessing or curse?
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Built-in accessibility: blessing and curse
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Building accessibility into systems
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Building accessibility into systems (1)
Web Platform features
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Building accessibility into systems (1)
Web Platform features
// features that make a11y possible, // e.g. support for alt text <img src=”” alt=”” />
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Building accessibility into systems (1)
Web Platform features
// features that make a11y possible, // e.g. support for captions <video> <track>…</track> </video>
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Building accessibility into systems (1)
Web Platform features
// features that do accessibility // semantics for you, like headings <h1>Top news</h1>
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// features that do some accessibility // semantics for you, like popover <button popovertarget=”p”> Open popover </button> <div popover id=”p”> I am popover content </div>
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// features that do some accessibility // semantics for you, like popover
I am popover content
<button popovertarget=”p”> Open popover </button> <div popover id=”p”> I am popover content </div>
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// features that do some accessibility // semantics for you, like popover
I am popover content
<button popovertarget=”p”> Open popover </button> <div popover id=”p”> I am popover content </div>
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‘Built-in’: aria-expanded state
I am popover content
See: On popover accessibility: what the browser does and doesn’t do https://hidde.blog/popover-accessibility/
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‘Built-in’: aria-expanded state aria-details relationship (if apt)
I am popover content
See: On popover accessibility: what the browser does and doesn’t do https://hidde.blog/popover-accessibility/
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‘Built-in’: aria-expanded state aria-details relationship (if apt)
I am popover content
group fallback role (if apt)
See: On popover accessibility: what the browser does and doesn’t do https://hidde.blog/popover-accessibility/
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‘Built-in’: aria-expanded state aria-details relationship (if apt)
I am popover content
group fallback role (if apt) some focus management
See: On popover accessibility: what the browser does and doesn’t do https://hidde.blog/popover-accessibility/
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Not built-in: colour contrast zoom support
I am popover content
etc etc
See: On popover accessibility: what the browser does and doesn’t do https://hidde.blog/popover-accessibility/
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“Horizontal review” in standards processes
See: FAST w3c.github.io/apa/fast/
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Self-review in TAG
Self-Review Questionnaire: Accessibility github.com/w3ctag/accessibility-questionnaire/blob/main/accessibility-questionnaire.md
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Implementations in browsers can have accessibility bugs
It’s Mid-2022 and Browsers (Mostly Safari) Still Break Accessibility via Display Properties adrianroselli.com/2022/07/its-mid-2022-and-browsers-mostly-safari-still-break-accessibility-via-display-properties.html
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See: HTML, the inaccessible parts daverupert.com/2020/02/html-the-inaccessible-parts/
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Chromium Blog, Updates to form controls and focus blog.chromium.org/2020/03/updates-to-form-controls-and-focus.html
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Chromium Blog, Updates to form controls and focus blog.chromium.org/2020/03/updates-to-form-controls-and-focus.html
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Improvements re making accessibility tree testable >1000 Web Platform Tests labeled “accessibility”
See: Improving Web Accessibility with Web Platform Tests webkit.org/blog/15400/improving-web-accessibility-with-web-platform-tests/
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TAKEAWAY #1 We need web platform / HTML features that are accessible and/or include accessibility and it’s not trivial
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Building accessibility into systems (2)
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Checks in Jooa11y, for Joomla (based on Sa11y)
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Checks in Editoria11y v2, for Drupal (Based on Sa11y)
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Contrast warnings in Gutenberg, for WordPress
Checks in Editoria11y v2, for Drupal (Based on Sa11y)
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Porta11y, accessible checks for Portable Text github.com/hidde/porta11y github.com/hidde/porta11y Checks in Editoria11y v2, for Drupal (Based on Sa11y)
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TAKEAWAY #2 CMSes can be accessibility assistants and it’s (usually) not trivial
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Building accessibility into systems (3)
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“Could browsers ix more accessibility problems automatically?” talks.hiddedevries.nl/KKW74X/could-browsers- ix-more-accessibility-problems-automatically
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Untruncate text
Force focus indication
Force colour contrast
Suppress autoplay of gifs and videos
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TAKEAWAY #3 Browsers could intervene when the web content they serve is inaccessible
and it’s (usually) not trivial
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Building accessibility into systems (4)
Design systems
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Design systems can make your patterns repeatable
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“Not only is this work not inherently valuable, it is also not inherently harmless” — Amy Hupe
Building conscious design systems amyhupe.co.uk/articles/building-conscious-design-systems
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Design systems can make good patterns repeatable
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Design systems can good make good patterns d ba repeatable or
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Design systems can make patterns repeatable
so we’d better ensure they’re good
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Design systems can teach the nuance between the components
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TAKEAWAY #4 Design Systems make code and principles repeatable, ensure you repeat the right things
and it’s (de and initely) it’s not trivial
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“Built-in” accessibility
It can be done. It’s worthwhile. It’s not trivial.
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What are the or: questions constraints? you can ask
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What could (possibly) go wrong?
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Does the icon disappear in dark mode? Will the tabs break with too many items? What if all buttons in a group are named the same? How do we ensure there’s useful text in <FormFieldError>?
Can we force the label component to be used whenever the text ield component is used?
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What decides the accessibility of a component?
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The quick brown fox jumps Where does she jump? Over the lazy dog? Well, there is really only one way to ind out…
Find out
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Who impacts the accessibility of a UI?
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QA tester
designer Who impacts the accessibility of a UI? researcher
content editor
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(it’s the whole team)
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browser that renders it What impacts the accessibility of a UI? assistive technology
CMS that is involved with managing it
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A design system can impact through components and docs
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What design system components can do • User preference support (dark/forced color mode, text spacing, zoom support)
• Accessibility semantics (roles, states, properties)
• Keyboard support
• Focus management • Support for
accessibility features
(images: alt support, video players: caption support, etc)
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What design system docs can do • All variables/settings documented
• Theme validator (colour
contrast, spacing etc)
• Full lows: how do
components work together?
• Showing the right way
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What design system docs can do • All variables/settings documented
• Theme validator (colour
contrast, spacing etc)
• Full lows: how do
components work together?
• Showing the right way
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“Educate, don’t berate” — Meryl Evans (in “Progress over perfection“)
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Used as-is
Components (excluding settings)
Documentation Component settings
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TAKEAWAY #6 Components that people reuse and documentation that people interpret are an opportunity to inspire quality
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What design system marketing should do Avoid overpromising the accessibility impact Say “makes it easier to” instead of “will take care of”
Emphasise the role of design system in a continuous e ort
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NL Design System
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Community of 500+ web professionals in all layers of Dutch government who work together. We collect the best components, guidelines, patterns and user research for digital services.
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Collaboration through “Relay Model” with quality checks in each of four stages.
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Lessons learned
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Make it concrete
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Make it concrete
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Make it concrete
“Add error messages for forms into a live region” “Only use assertive live regions when information requires the user’s attention immediately”
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Make it concrete: do’s and don’ts
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Back guidance up with research
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“Accessibility isn’t just about meeting standards, it’s about usability too” — Vasilis van Gemert (this morning)
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User research as input for patterns
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Accessibility audit reports as input for guidelines organisation X
organisation Y
organisation Z
Design Open Hour
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Most reported issues as input for guidelines
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Make it open source More perspectives lead to better quality
Easier to report issues
Easier to steal
Most e ective against reinvention of wheels
Instigates collaboration ff
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Work in the open
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Threads in public channels so that people can peak (low-treshold)
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Public bi-weekly meetings that are also publised afterwards
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Test with people and share the results
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Test with people and share the results Because accessibility is more than WCAG
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Test with people and share the results Because not everyone will test, your results likely have some use for others
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Open design decisions up for automated scrutiny
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—nl-button-border-color: #2446AE
—nl-button-color: #2446AE
—nl-button-background-color: #ffffff
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—nl-button-border-color: #2446AE
—nl-button-color: #2446AE
—nl-button-background-color: #ffffff
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—nl-button-border-color: #2446AE
—nl-button-color: #cccccc
—nl-button-background-color: #ffffff
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—nl-button-border-color: #2446AE
—nl-button-color: #cccccc
—nl-button-background-color: #ffffff
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Verify with process
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Verify with process: GOV.UK
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Verify with process: NL Design System “Relay Model”
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Do handover to consumers with test steps
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Handover: USWDS
Explain which tests you’ve done
Explain what consumers of the components should test themselves
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Make it concrete Back guidance up with research Make it open source Work in the open Test with users, share the tests Test design tokens Verify with process Handover with test steps
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Wrapping up
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Built-in accessibility: blessing and curse
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Re: in defense of websites… 💡
Hard to ind good code examples
Conformance vs guidance
AT/browser support vs actual usability
WCAG often can’t tell you what to do (for reasons, but still) f
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“Built-in” accessibility
It’s not trivial, not a oneoff, not a quick “fix”. It can be done. It’s worthwhile.
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Tha n k you ! hidde.blog/slides @hdv in most places