A presentation at Inclusive Design 24 by Hidde de Vries
Trolleys, veils
and prisoners
V J G E C U G H Q T C E E G U U K D K N K V [
Hidde de Vries
#id24 / @hdv
Hi, I'm Hidde #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
# T I W O G P V U H Q T C [ #id24 / @hdv
technical # T I W O G P V U H Q T C [ #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
# T I W O G P V U H Q T C [ #id24 / @hdv
technical # T I W O G P V U H Q T C [ #id24 / @hdv
technical legal # T I W O G P V U H Q T C [ #id24 / @hdv
technical legal business # T I W O G P V U H Q T C [ #id24 / @hdv
technical legal business moral # T I W O G P V U H Q T C [ #id24 / @hdv
9 J C V K U G V J K E U ! #id24 / @hdv
how to live 9 J C V K U G V J K E U ! #id24 / @hdv
how to live what to do 9 J C V K U G V J K E U ! #id24 / @hdv
how to live what to do how we want our world shaped 9 J C V K U G V J K E U ! #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv how to live what to do how we want our world shaped 9 J C V K U G V J K E U ! #id24 / @hdv
Virtue ethics Duty ethics Utilitarianism ' V J K E C N V J G Q T K G U #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv There's no fixed set of moral rules, it's about learning character traits
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv You don't get virtuous by chance, it is hard work and a bit like acquiring a skill.
#id24 / @hdv H G C T E Q P H K F G P E G courage
#id24 / @hdv H G C T E Q P H K F G P E G courage O G C P
#id24 / @hdv H G C T E Q P H K F G P E G courage O G C P
#id24 / @hdv H G C T E Q P H K F G P E G courage O G C P
Finding the mean in any given situation is not a mechanical or thoughtless procedure, but requires a full and detailed acquaintance with the circumstances.
Richard Kraut, Aristotle's Ethics (in: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ) “ #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv Give thought to the circumstances and find the best mean.
“Don't skip header levels” h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 #id24 / @hdv
“Use semantic markup”
<fieldset> <legend>Favourite film <label for="titanic">Ti <input id="titanic" /> <label for="lebowski"> <input id="lebowski" />#id24 / @hdv Let's regard finding the mean accessible solution as a skill, too.
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv people as rational beings
#id24 / @hdv categorical imperative
Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law . Immanuel Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals “ #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv 6 J G R T Q E G U U
#id24 / @hdv 1. Make a rule 6 J G R T Q E G U U
#id24 / @hdv 1. Make a rule 2. Would you like turn this into legislation that applies to all of humanity? 6 J G R T Q E G U U
#id24 / @hdv morality vs prudence
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv The greatest happiness principle
#id24 / @hdv Does my action increase the world's total happiness?
#id24 / @hdv Does my action increase the world's total happiness?
#id24 / @hdv What is an increase in happiness?
#id24 / @hdv Make changes that increase happiness, avoid those that don't
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv Does my action increase the world's total happiness?
#id24 / @hdv Does my action increase the website's total accessibility?
It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be a little bit better than yesterday . Léonie Watson “ #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
The trolley
#id24 / @hdv
Jesse Prinz / subcortex.com #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv Jesse Prinz / subcortex.com
#id24 / @hdv
This is about making the right choices #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv Footer at bowers-wilkins.com
lots of subtle shades of grey lots of contrast #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
set focus
styles to
design a
#id24 / @hdv
As a digital team, you have a lever to pull #id24 / @hdv
The veil of
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv ` original position
Amongst the essential features of this situation is that no one knows his place in society, his class position or social status, nor does any one know his fortune in the distribution of natural assets and abilities, his intelligence, strength and the like. John Rawls, A theory of justice “ #id24 / @hdv
principle of equal liberty 8 G K N Q H K I P Q T C P E G #id24 / @hdv
difference principle 8 G K N Q H K I P Q T C P E G #id24 / @hdv
Consider new features from the original position #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
The prisoner's dilemma #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv Wikipedia
conflicting interests 2 T K U Q P G T U F K N G O O C #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv front-end dev designer
#id24 / @hdv H . G V U M G G R V J G H Q E W U K P F K E C V Q T K P R N C E GI front-end dev designer
#id24 / @hdv H . G V U M G G R V J G H Q E W U K P F K E C V Q T K P R N C E GI H 0 C N Q Q M U W I N [ P Q V I Q Q F H Q T O [ R Q T V H Q N K QI front-end dev designer
#id24 / @hdv SEO expert a11y nerd
#id24 / @hdv H 2 N G C U G O C M G C N N V J G V J K P I U J I SEO expert a11y nerd
#id24 / @hdv H 2 N G C U G O C M G C N N V J G V J K P I U J I H ' J D W V Q W T W U G T U P G G F C U G P U K D N G J G C F G T U V T W E V W T GI SEO expert a11y nerd
#id24 / @hdv front-end dev CEO
#id24 / @hdv H . G V U U R G P F U Q O G V K O G Q P O C M K P I V J C V E C T Q W U G N O Q T G K P E N W U K X GI front-end dev CEO
#id24 / @hdv H . G V U U R G P F U Q O G V K O G Q P O C M K P I V J C V E C T Q W U G N O Q T G K P E N W U K X GI H + F T C V J G T U R G P F V J G D W F I G V Q P Q W T 6 8 C FI front-end dev CEO
Line up interests to get more people care about accessibility #id24 / @hdv
Make the business case. #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv https://vimeo.com/145138872
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv % Q P E N W U K Q P #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv make good choices % Q P E N W U K Q P #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv make good choices think beyond your own privilege % Q P E N W U K Q P #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv make good choices think beyond your own privilege line up interests % Q P E N W U K Q P #id24 / @hdv
#id24 / @hdv ( W T V J G T T G C F K P I #id24 / @hdv https://plato.stanford.edu
#id24 / @hdv ( W T V J G T T G C F K P I #id24 / @hdv http://justiceharvard.org
#id24 / @hdv ( W T V J G T T G C F K P I #id24 / @hdv
T hanks for listening! hidde@hiddedevries.nl @hdv #id24 / @hdv
Those who want to make accessible websites, will likely spend some of their time convincing others. One good reason to make accessible websites is that doing so is the right thing. For centuries, doing the right thing has been a concern for the field of philosophical ethics. In this talk, some notable philosophical thought experiments are applied to the world of web accessibility. With some practical examples, this talk makes a refreshing case for web accessibility, which people can use to advocate for more inclusive websites.
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.
Particularly like "think beyond your own privelege" - whatever that privelege is. Latest tech. Good income. No impairments. Good talk by @hdv for #ID24. https://t.co/tbc2AClfNb
— Emma Pratt Richens (@EmmaJ_PR) November 24, 2017
Slides from @hdv on 'Trolleys, veils and prisoners: the case for accessibility from philosophical ethics' https://t.co/7Tbtv9NdiG #ID24
— The Paciello Group (@paciellogroup) November 16, 2017
That’s a question for #ID24
— Vasilis (@vasilis) November 16, 2017
@hdv I guess you're going to answer this later on, but: are there philosophers who explicitly say you should not care about accessibility? #ID24
— Vasilis (@vasilis) November 16, 2017
"It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be a little bit better than yesterday" so said @LeonieWatson via @hdv #id24
— The Paciello Group (@paciellogroup) November 16, 2017
Up early to watch @hdv talk about ethics and accessibility at #ID24
— Peter van Grieken (@petervangrieken) November 16, 2017
— https://t.co/JmimjiULbP
In a few hours #ID24 starts! Very much looking forward to waking up with @hdv explaining the case for accessibility from a philosophical ethical point of view. https://t.co/RF6ZDTX6Xh
— Vasilis (@vasilis) November 15, 2017